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    Unshaven hair transplant, also known as “no-shave” hair transplant, is a technique where the patient does not have to shave their head before the procedure. This method allows for a more discreet and natural-looking hair transplant. .

    In Turkey, unshaven hair transplant is also available and becoming increasingly popular among patients. The cost of unshaven hair transplant in Turkey can vary depending on the clinic and the number of grafts required. However, compared to Western countries, unshaven hair transplant in Turkey is generally more affordable. It is important to note that not all patients are suitable candidates for unshaven hair transplant. The technique may not be suitable for patients who need a large number of grafts, as it may require a longer procedure time and the hair may become tangled during the operation.

    Unshaven Hair Transplant

    What is Unshaven Hair Transplant?

    The term "no-shave" hair transplant refers to a hair restoration procedure that enables patients to receive a hair transplant without shaving their heads. Unshaven hair transplant involves the extraction and transplantation of hair follicles without shaving the head, in contrast to typical hair transplant techniques that call for the patient to have their head totally shaved to make it easier for the surgeon to retrieve and transplant hair follicles. This implies that individuals can receive a hair transplant while remaining completely anonymous.

    What are the Differences in Shaved and Unshaved Hair Transplantation?

    What are the Differences in Shaved and Unshaved Hair Transplantation?
    • The main difference between shaved and unshaved hair transplantation is the level of visibility of the hair transplant procedure. In a shaved hair transplant, the donor area is typically shaved down to the scalp to allow for easy access to the hair follicles. This means that the patient will have to wait for their hair to grow back before they can resume their normal activities.
    • On the other hand, in an unshaved hair transplant, the donor area is not shaved, and the existing hair is used to cover up the donor area. This technique allows the patient to immediately resume their daily activities without worrying about visible signs of the transplant.
    • Another difference is the amount of hair that can be transplanted in a single session. Shaved hair transplantation generally allows for a larger number of grafts to be extracted and transplanted due to easier access to the donor area. Unshaved hair transplantation, however, is limited by the amount of existing hair that can be used to cover the donor area.

    How is Unshaved Hair Transplant Performed?

    Unshaven hair transplant, also known as unshaved hair transplantation or non-shaven follicular unit extraction (NS-FUE), is performed similarly to traditional FUE hair transplantation. The main difference is that the donor area is not shaved before the procedure. During the procedure, the hair in the donor area is carefully trimmed to a length of 1-2 mm, which allows the hair transplant surgeon to extract the grafts using FUE techniques. The hair in the recipient area is not cut or shaved, so it can be used to cover the transplanted area during the healing process.

    The extraction and implantation of the hair follicles in the recipient area are performed in the same way as in traditional FUE hair transplantation. However, since the surrounding hair is not shaved, the hair transplant surgeon must be careful not to damage the existing hair during the implantation process. Unshaved hair transplant is a more challenging procedure for the hair transplant surgeon since the existing hair in the recipient area can make it difficult to see the precise placement of the grafts. However, it is a good option for people who do not want to shave their head for the procedure or want to return to their daily routine without noticeable signs of the surgery.



    The preparation process for an unshaven hair transplant is similar to that of a traditional hair transplant. The patient will first undergo a consultation with the surgeon to determine their candidacy for the procedure and discuss their goals and expectations. Before the procedure, the patient should avoid alcohol, smoking, and any medications or supplements that can increase the risk of bleeding. It is also important to inform the surgeon of any existing medical conditions or allergies. On the day of the procedure, the patient should arrive at the clinic with clean hair and wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. They may also be given a mild sedative to help them relax during the procedure.

    Operation Process

    During an unshaven hair transplant, the hair on the donor area is not shaved, so the hair is long enough to cover the donor area without any visible signs of hair removal. The hair transplant procedure is similar to the traditional FUE hair transplant, with the only difference being that the donor area is not shaved. Here are the steps involved in the unshaven hair transplant procedure:

    • Hair evaluation and design: The hair transplant surgeon evaluates the patient's hair and designs the transplant plan.
    • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to the donor and recipient areas to make the procedure pain-free.
    • Extraction: Follicular units are extracted from the donor area using the FUE technique. The surgeon uses a micro punch to extract the hair grafts one by one.
    • Graft preparation: After extraction, the grafts are sorted and prepared for transplantation.
    • Incisions: The surgeon creates small incisions in the recipient area for graft placement.
    • Graft placement: The prepared grafts are implanted into the recipient area using a specialized implantation tool.
    • Dressing: The surgeon dresses the donor and recipient areas with sterile gauze to protect the scalp.


    The post-operation process for an unshaven hair transplant is generally similar to that of traditional hair transplant procedures. The patient is typically given detailed post-operative instructions to follow, including avoiding strenuous activities, wearing a protective headband, and keeping the scalp clean and dry. The patient may also be prescribed medication to reduce the risk of infection and promote healing.

    One important difference with an unshaven hair transplant is that the patient may need to be particularly careful when washing their hair, as the transplanted hair has not been shaved and may be more delicate. The patient may be instructed to use a special shampoo and to gently dab the scalp rather than rubbing it vigorously. It is also important for the patient to avoid any activities that could dislodge the newly transplanted hairs, such as scratching or picking at the scalp. The transplanted hair typically falls out within a few weeks, but this is normal and does not indicate a problem with the procedure. New hair growth should begin within a few months, with noticeable results becoming apparent after 6-12 months.

    Regular follow-up appointments with the hair transplant surgeon are important to monitor the progress of the healing process and ensure that the results are satisfactory.

    Unshaven Hair Transplant Recovery Process

    Unshaven Hair Transplant Recovery Process

    The recovery process for an unshaven hair transplant is similar to that of a traditional hair transplant. The first week after the procedure is critical, and patients should follow the post-operative instructions provided by their doctor carefully. The following is a general timeline of the recovery process:

    • First 1-2 Days: Patients may experience mild pain, swelling, and redness on the scalp, which can be managed with painkillers and medication prescribed by the doctor. It is crucial to avoid any strenuous activity, including bending down or lifting heavy objects, which can put pressure on the scalp.
    • First Week: Patients should continue to avoid strenuous activity and avoid exposing their scalp to direct sunlight. Any scabs that form on the scalp must be kept clean and dry to prevent infection. Patients should avoid scratching or picking at the scabs, as this can damage the newly transplanted hair follicles.
    • Second Week: The transplanted hair may begin to fall out, which is a normal part of the healing process. Patients may also experience some itching and numbness on the scalp. It is essential to avoid scratching or rubbing the scalp, as this can damage the new hair follicles.
    • Third to Fourth Week:The scalp will start to heal, and any scabs will fall off naturally. The transplanted hair follicles will begin to grow new hair, and patients may notice some new growth. However, it is important to remember that the full results of the procedure may not be visible for several months.

    1-3 Month Healing Process

    The first 1-3 months after an unshaven hair transplant are a critical healing period for the newly transplanted hair follicles. During this time, patients should be very careful and gentle when handling the transplanted hair, as it is still fragile and can easily be dislodged. Here are some of the things that patients can expect during the first 1-3 months of the healing process:

    • The transplanted hair follicles will initially shed their hair shafts within 2-3 weeks after the surgery. This is a normal part of the healing process and should not be a cause for concern. The hair will begin to grow back within a few months.
    • The scalp may be red and swollen for the first few days after the surgery. This is also normal and will gradually subside.
    • Patients should avoid any strenuous activity or heavy lifting for at least a week after the surgery, to avoid putting any strain on the scalp.
    • Patients should avoid exposing the scalp to direct sunlight, as well as extreme heat or cold, for at least a month after the surgery. This can cause damage to the newly transplanted hair follicles.
    • Patients should avoid using any hair products or styling tools that could damage the transplanted hair, such as hair dye, hair straighteners, or curling irons.
    • Patients should avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for at least a week after the surgery, as these can interfere with the healing process.

    Healing Process Between 6-12 Months

    During the healing process between 6-12 months after an unshaven hair transplant, the transplanted hair will continue to grow and blend with the existing hair. The first signs of new hair growth may be visible after 3-4 months, but the hair will be thinner and finer at first. At around the 6-month mark, the transplanted hair will start to become thicker and more noticeable. The hair will continue to mature and thicken until around the 12-month mark, when the final result should be visible. It's important to note that everyone's healing process and rate of hair growth will be different, so results may vary from person to person. During this healing process, it's important to continue following the aftercare instructions provided by your surgeon to ensure the best possible outcome. This may include avoiding direct sunlight, not wearing hats or other tight-fitting headwear, and avoiding strenuous exercise for a certain period of time. Your surgeon may also recommend specific hair care products or techniques to promote healthy hair growth.

    12 Months and After Healing Process

    At 12 months and beyond, the transplanted hair should have fully grown, and patients can expect to see the final result of their unshaven hair transplant. The hair should be healthy, strong, and natural-looking. Patients can treat their transplanted hair just like their natural hair and can cut, dye, and style it as desired. It is important to continue to follow good hair care practices to maintain the health and appearance of the transplanted hair. It is also recommended to continue to visit the hair transplant clinic for follow-up appointments to ensure the long-term success of the procedure.

    Who Is Unshaved Hair Transplant Suitable For?

    Unshaved hair transplants are suitable for individuals who do not want to shave their hair during the hair transplant procedure. This technique is usually preferred by people who have long hair and do not want to have a noticeable change in their hair length after the procedure. However, not everyone is a candidate for an unshaved hair transplant. The suitability of the technique depends on the individual's hair density, hair type, and size of the balding area. It is best to consult with a hair transplant specialist to determine whether an unshaved hair transplant is suitable for your specific case.

    Advantages of Unshaven Hair Transplant

    The advantages of an unshaven hair transplant include:

    • 1. No Shaving Required: One of the most significant advantages of unshaven hair transplant is that it does not require shaving the head completely. This is a significant benefit for those who prefer not to cut their hair for any reason, such as work or personal preferences.
    • 2. Discreet Procedure: Unshaven hair transplant is a discreet procedure because it does not require the complete shaving of the head. Patients can return to their daily routines without worrying about any visible signs of a hair transplant.
    • 3. Faster Recovery: Unshaven hair transplant typically has a faster recovery time than traditional hair transplant procedures because the hair is not completely shaved. This means that the patient can return to work and other activities sooner.
    • 4. Natural Results: Since the unshaven hair transplant is performed on existing hair, the results are very natural-looking. The procedure allows the surgeon to work around existing hair, creating a seamless and natural-looking hairline.
    • 5. Boost in Self-Esteem: The final and most significant advantage of unshaven hair transplant is that it can help patients feel more confident and improve their self-esteem. This can have a positive impact on their personal and professional lives.

    Disadvantages of Unshaven Hair Transplant

    While unshaven hair transplant has many benefits, there are also some potential disadvantages to consider:

    • Limited donor capacity: With unshaven hair transplant, only a limited number of grafts can be extracted at a time. This can be a disadvantage for those who require a large number of grafts, as the procedure may need to be performed over multiple sessions.
    • Longer procedure time: Since the surgeon needs to work around existing hair, unshaven hair transplant procedures may take longer to complete compared to shaved hair transplant procedures.
    • Higher cost: Unshaven hair transplant procedures typically cost more than shaved hair transplant procedures due to the additional time and effort required for the procedure.
    • Less precise placement: Since the existing hair can obscure the view of the recipient area, it may be more difficult to achieve precise graft placement with unshaven hair transplant.

    Unshaven Hair Transplant Before and After

    Before an unshaven hair transplant, the patient's existing hair needs to be long enough to cover the newly transplanted follicles. This may result in a somewhat unkempt or uneven appearance, depending on how the hair is styled. In some cases, the patient may need to grow their hair out for several weeks or even months before the procedure.

    After the unshaven hair transplant, the newly transplanted hair will gradually start to grow and blend in with the existing hair. Over time, the hair will become thicker and more full, resulting in a more natural-looking appearance. Since there is no need to shave the existing hair, the patient will not have to deal with any awkward or unattractive post-transplant appearance, making the recovery process smoother and more discreet.

    Unshaven FUE Hair Transplant

    Unshaven FUE hair transplant, also known as the "no shave" technique, is a type of hair transplant where the patient's hair is not completely shaved before the procedure. With this technique, only the donor area where the hair follicles are extracted is trimmed, while the rest of the hair remains untouched. This allows patients to return to their daily activities immediately after the procedure without noticeable signs of a hair transplant.

    The unshaven FUE hair transplant procedure is suitable for patients who prefer to keep their hair at a longer length, and it's especially popular among women who don't want to shave their heads. The technique requires a high level of skill and precision from the hair transplant surgeon to extract the hair follicles without causing any damage to the surrounding hair.

    Unshaven Hair Transplant Results

    The results of unshaven hair transplant can vary depending on the individual's hair loss, the quality of the donor hair, and the skill of the surgeon performing the procedure. Generally, unshaven hair transplant can provide natural-looking and long-lasting results for those who prefer to avoid shaving their heads. Patients can expect to see some initial shedding of transplanted hair in the first few weeks following the procedure. However, new hair growth should begin to appear within three to four months. The final results of the procedure may take up to a year to fully develop. It's important to note that the success of unshaven hair transplant depends heavily on the skill and experience of the surgeon performing the procedure. Patients should do their research and choose a reputable and experienced hair transplant surgeon to ensure the best possible results.

    Unshaven Hair Transplant in Istanbul

    At Esthetic Hair Turkey, our experienced and skilled surgeons perform unshaven hair transplants in Istanbul with precision and care. Here are some key factors that contribute to our success:

    • Advanced Techniques: We use the latest and most advanced techniques in unshaven hair transplant, such as the DHI method, to ensure optimal results.
    • Personalized Treatment Plan: We create a personalized treatment plan for each patient based on their unique needs, hair loss pattern, and hair characteristics.
    • Skilled Surgeons: Our surgeons are highly skilled and experienced in performing unshaven hair transplant surgeries, having successfully performed thousands of procedures.
    • High-Quality Facilities: We use state-of-the-art facilities equipped with the latest technology and equipment to ensure that our patients receive the highest quality care.
    • Post-Operative Care: We provide our patients with comprehensive post-operative care, including detailed instructions on how to care for their newly transplanted hair and regular follow-up appointments to monitor progress and address any concerns.

    Unshaved Hair Transplant Turkey Price

    Unshaved Hair Transplant Turkey Price

    In general, Turkey offers unshaven hair transplants at a lower cost than Western countries. This is due to Turkey's lower cost of living and labor, which lowers the cost of clinics and surgeries. In addition, Turkey has grown in popularity as a destination for medical travelers, and clinic competition has increased, resulting in more affordable prices. An unnshaven hair transplant cost in Turkey may differ based on a variety of variables, including the degree of hair loss, the number of grafts needed, the clinic's location and reputation, the surgeon's experience, and the technique employed.


    Especially in modern times, hair is like our identity. Thanks to the fashion and cosmetic industries, our hair styles reflect who we are. However, not everybody is that lucky. Some people face hair loss or a loss in the density of their hair. People, especially men, have hair loss at some point in their lives.

    Also, women complain about the weakness of their hair at some level. This condition makes people have low self-esteem. People who have hair loss generally refer to products in the stores that promise to eliminate hair loss.