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  • Eye Surgery

    Femto Lasik Laser

    Femto lasik laser; It is one of the eyes treatment techniques used in the treatment of hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism. In this treatment, valve preparation is done with a laser called ¶Femtosecond laser÷.

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    Refractive Surgery

    Refractive surgery is type of treatment that applied to ensure that people who cannot see clearly can see clearly without glasses or contact lenses. Refractive surgery is most commonly used in astigmatism, hyperopia and myopia treatment.

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    Smile Laser

    SMILE Laser treatment is one of the ideal options to correct a refractive error such as myopia or astigmatism. Hereãs what you need to know about SMILE Laser.

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    Trifocal Lens

    Cataract is a disorder that causes blurred vision due to the loss of the eye lens transparency. It is common in people who are 60 years and older.

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    Especially in modern times, hair is like our identity. Thanks to the fashion and cosmetic industries, our hair styles reflect who we are. However, not everybody is that lucky. Some people face hair loss or a loss in the density of their hair. People, especially men, have hair loss at some point in their lives.

    Also, women complain about the weakness of their hair at some level. This condition makes people have low self-esteem. People who have hair loss generally refer to products in the stores that promise to eliminate hair loss.