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Standard hair transplant in turkey and stem cell hair transplant are similar procedures. However, a stem cell hair transplant takes a small skin sample from which hair follicles are taken, as opposed to removing a significant number of hairs to be transplanted into the area of hair loss. Hair follicles are then produced in a laboratory and placed on balding areas of the scalp. This allows hair follicles to develop where they are both removed and transplanted. The ability of stem cells to multiply is used to support hair growth in stem cell hair transplantation. Microinjections of stem cells are used to place them inside the hair follicles throughout the operation. These cells are divided into the recipient area to create new cells and renew the hair strand.
Sapphire tips are used in the sapphire FUE hair transplant technique instead of the metal tips commonly used when growing hair. The Sapphire FUE technique is an updated version of the FUE procedure. Hair transplantation is performed to increase the success and convenience of the procedure.
In the Saphire FUE technique, the grafts are taken one by one from the donor area with micro-tips. Tubes are opened to transfer hair follicles accumulated in bald areas. Opening the channels is one of the most important features of hair transplantation. The most important parameters affecting the success and naturalness of hair transplantation are the frequency, degree and direction of the channels. As a result, it is very important to open these incisions properly. Special attention is paid to these channels in the Sapphire FUE process. In this process, the incisions are opened with certain sapphire tips.
The most common mistake in hair transplantation is opening the channels at the wrong angle. When hair is transplanted into channels opened at an incorrect angle, the result is artificial and unsatisfactory. When the channels are opened at a right angle, the hair should look like thorns or grass.
The hair follicle receives stem cells so that new hair can form from them. It’s an incredibly creative, healthy, and natural approach to growing new hair. Many people are unaware of this hair restoration technique because it is so new. A stem cell is essentially a cell that can divide repeatedly (in some cases, indefinite divisions). Additionally, it has the ability to create new cells that the body does not often manufacture on its own. This comprises a variety of cell types, such as mature blood cells, heart cells, and nerve cells. The body does not always restore hair follicles that stop growing because they are dead or damaged.
Patients’s own stem cells are used for the treatment. Using a process known as punch biopsy, the patient provides the stem cells that are employed in these treatments. To do this, a topical anesthetic is given, and the epidermis and dermis layers of the skin are punctured with a circular blade to reach the subcutaneous fascia layer of the skin, which houses the hair follicles. Following that, the samples required for the remaining steps of the hair stem cell transplant technique are taken from that layer.
These operations are done as outpatients in offices. They involve performing a liposuction operation while the patient is under local anesthesia to remove fat cells from patients’ hips or abdomen.
Yes. Stem cell therapy produces hair growth that is even and seems natural, similar to PRP therapy. To get the best results, it also requires multiple therapy sessions separated by a few weeks. There are no major compatibility problems because PRP treatment uses the client’s platelets and plasma. This is not the case with stem cell therapy because it carries a greater risk of rejection than PRP.
PRP assists in enhancing the body’s natural capacity for healing. However, stem cells come up with a fresh approach to speed up the mending. The body contains stem cells, which are also employed to treat wounds and irritated tissues.
Any form of bodily cell that is needed can be created from these cells. When it comes to mending tissues that have no other chance to heal, stem cells’ ability is quite helpful. PRP is derived from the patient’s own body, whereas stem cells are grown in a lab.
Due to its non-invasive nature, stem cell therapy for hair does not have any significant negative effects. Men and women of all ages can receive stem cell treatment for hair. Almost nothing is known regarding the potential negative effects of stem cell hair transplants. There is always a chance of bleeding or infection at the site of the sample and the injection, just like with any medical operation. Additionally potential is scarring. Punch biopsy problems are uncommon, however there is a slight possibility that the nerves or arteries nearby could be harmed. The same risks and negative effects are possible with liposuction as well.
Due to its non-invasive nature, stem cell therapy for hair does not have any significant negative effects. Men and women of all ages can receive stem cell treatment for hair. Almost nothing is known regarding the potential negative effects of stem cell hair transplants. There is always a chance of bleeding or infection at the site of the sample and the injection, just like with any medical operation. Additionally potential is scarring. Punch biopsy problems are uncommon, however there is a slight possibility that the nerves or arteries nearby could be harmed. The same risks and negative effects are possible with liposuction as well.
Turkish stem cell hair treatments are less expensive than those offered in the US, Canada, the UK, and other developed countries of Europe. It is less than half as expensive. Turkey’s cost of living is affordable for a variety of reasons. Turkey’s capacity to produce items at rates that are competitive in the market is impacted by a number of factors. Compared to the dollars, pounds, and euros, the Turkish lira is initially less valuable. Turkish clinics are still able to keep their costs low. Turkey also boasts a lot of plastic surgery clinics, which boosts competition and drives down costs. Depending on a person’s medical condition and the cost of the stem cell hair treatment, it can cost more or less. The cost is influenced by both how long the treatment will last and how experienced the doctor is. Therefore, evaluation is essential. If you have any questions about the cost of stem cell hair treatment in Turkey, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
The available evidence on the effectiveness of stem cell hair transplants is quite encouraging. Stem cell hair transplants may be helpful in treating a number of hair loss conditions, including male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness, and Cicatricial Alopecia, according to some research. Additionally, it might be helpful for those who have had multiple hair transplant sessions but did not get the desired results.
Yes. Although hair transplants are often used to treat baldness, there is a new method of hair growth that doesn’t require surgery. Scientists discovered that stem cells can help completely regrow hair after observing how they can improve follicles. Hair follicles contain stem cells that help the body heal itself.
Turkish stem cell hair treatments are more affordable than those available in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other developed European nations. It may cost more or less depending on a person’s health and the price of the stem cell hair treatment. The length of the treatment and the doctor’s level of experience both have an impact on the price. Evaluation is therefore crucial.
Yes. After the transplant, hair normally begins to grow back approximately three months later. It’s likely that the texture of your hair will change as it grows back. Hair loss can occur months or years after the transplant, though it is uncommon.
Following stem cell therapy, hair can last a lifetime. Following the surgery, patients can enjoy their hair for the rest of their lives. Though it is rare, hair loss can happen months or years following the transplant.
Both stem cell hair treatment and hair transplant surgery has positive and negative outcomes. Patient and the doctor should discuss about the patient’s expectations and desires and decide which treatment would be the best way to achieve the most natural result. Both treatments are effective and safe.
It generally depends on the preference of the patients. Similar to PRP therapy, stem cell therapy results in hair growth that is even and appears natural. It also necessitates many therapy sessions spaced apart by a few weeks to achieve the optimum outcomes. Due to the fact that PRP employs the client’s platelets and plasma, there are no significant compatibility issues. Because stem cell therapy has a higher chance of rejection than PRP, this is not the case with it.
If the donor stem cells don’t match (and occasionally even if they do): The immune system of the body may assault the donor stem cells. Rejection is the term for this. Cells in the body may be attacked by the transplanted cells.