In this post, we’ll answer a couple of questions about the long term hair care after hair transplant.
When the hair transplant surgery is completed, in order to avoid swelling and any other problems your donor area will be wrapped with a bandage and a hairband will be placed on your forehead. It is expected to see some scabs on the recipient area and redness on the donor area. However, there is no need to worry at all! Those scabs will disappear within two weeks.

The redness and swelling shall increase and remain up to four days after the hair transplant surgery. The swelling is expected to disappear after the fourth day. In order to reduce the swelling of the forehead, you are supposed to sleep in an upright position. Apart from that, you will be provided with a special shampoo, spray and lotion. These products will be used for the next ten days and you will wash your hair and maintain a healthy process of healing of your head with these products. Washing will help you heal the scabs.
The first wash is done 2 days after the procedure. With the first wash, the shells are poured to a large extent. The first wash is done at the hair transplant center. This washing should be carried out carefully and meticulously. Hair follicles that are not yet held in place can easily be damaged during washing. For this reason, this washing should be done by a specialist. The patient after the first wash can perform the washing by him / her self.
There are some points to pay attention to in self-washing washes. Things to consider in washing after hair transplant;
- The water used in washing should not be too hot or too cold.
- The water should not be too pressurized.
- The water should not be too pressurized.
- The towel to be used should not be very hard.
You can start to use your regular shampoo and wash both the recipient and donor area as you were washing them before the operation. If scabs didn’t fall your head until the 10th day, you are recommended to wash your hair twice a day, morning and afternoon, and let shampoo stay on your head for about ten minutes untill all the scabs are gone. Avoid scratching your head and keep yourself away from air conditioners. It is important to note that some transplanted grafts will fall down for about 2-3 months. Within this time period you should not worry because the new lasting hairs will begin to grow and stay on your head forever!
10-30 DAYS
You will start to look normal and your new outlook will begin to take shape. People will gaze at you with amazement.
About 2 weeks after hair transplant, the phase called shock shedding starts. This stage is the stage of hair loss transplanted. Those who are not familiar with this stage are concerned about seeing their hair fall out. But there is no need to worry at this stage. Shock loss is seen in almost every hair transplant. At this stage, new hair will be replaced in a healthier way.
Keep yourself away from sunburns, it damages the transplanted hair. It is important to note that in the first five months the patient should not stay under the sunlight 5 minutes with without protection. Instead, you must wear a hat. The new hair will gradually start to grow in after three to six months. Please be patient. Some variation occurs between patients. Some hairs will start to grow faster than others and will continue to grow thicker and thicker as you advance to a year after hair transplant.
When you have completed the first year of the hair transplant, you will start to get the final and everlasting results of the hair transplant operation. Your hair will beging to look thicker, longer, soft and silky. Within a spin of one and a half year, you will get the desired results fully, your front and crown area will be full of hair. Now you can comb your hair, shape it and enjoy the new you!
- Since the hair cannot be fully attached to their new places after hair transplant, care should be taken not to take any blows on the transplanted areas in this process. A week after the operation, the hair starts to hold on to their places.
- There may will be some pain in the first night after hair transplant. For this, it will be sufficient to use painkillers given by the doctor.
- Swelling, mild pain and itching may be felt after hair transplant. Thier effects will be gone with the medication and products that will be provided by the doctor.
- Itching after hair transplant operation is an indication of recovery. However, transplanted areas should not be itchy in this process. If itchy, the hair follicles transplanted here may break and die.
- Burning sensation is a condition encountered in the donor area a few days after the transplant. You can reduce this feeling by using the products provided by your doctor.
- In the first days after the operation should be lying on the back and no contact should be made to the transplanted area.
- In this process, smoking and alcohol should be avoided.
- After the operation, I should avoid stressful and heavy sports for 1 month. However, you can take light walks that will not tire you and will not make you sweat.
- After hair transplantation, you should protect your hair from direct sunlight. For this, you can wear a soft hat on your head.
We hope you will have a wonderful experience with our team at Esthetic Hair Turkey. We look forward to seeing you or your friends in the future at Esthetic Hair Turkey. Our goal is to serve you better! You are always welcome!