Gum Disease Treatment

When teeth are not cleaned regularly, bacteria grow on their surfaces and between them. These deposits, called bacteria plaque, cause tooth decay, dental inflammation and calculus. One of the indicators of gingivitis is bleeding gums. Inflammation of the gums is then manifested by discoloration, deformations and bad breath. Gingivitis causes more tooth loss than dental caries.
What are the Symptoms of Gum Diseases?
• Sensitive and red gums,• Gums that can be easily separated from the teeth,
• Bleeding of the gums during brushing,
• Gingivitis,
• Swelling of the gums,
• Gingival recessions,
• The appearance of black colored calculus around the gums,
• Swinging teeth and
• Bad breath.
What Causes Gum Diseases?
The major cause of gum disease is bacteria. The bacterial plaque on the tooth surface clings to the gums and damages both the teeth and gums. Dental plaque should be removed daily by brushing and flossing. If plaque cannot be removed, it has negative consequences for oral health. Plaques are transformed into teeth called tartar. This causes irritation of the gums. The gums can be pulled out of the gums and the fibers connecting the gums to the teeth are damaged. As the disease progresses, bacteria can reach the bone. If this disease is not treated, the teeth may even need to be extracted. If gum infection treatment is not tooth loss may occur. There are other causes of gum disease. Genetic predisposition, drug use, hormonal causes, stress, smoking, gnashing or squeezing, malnutrition, diabetes, bad or improper fillings, and other incorrect dental treatments can cause problems in the gums.How to Prevent Gum Diseases?
Oral care is the most important factor in the prevention of gum diseases. Plaques should be removed from the teeth by regular brushing and flossing. Regular visits to the dentist are also very important. Because with regular oral care, plaque and calculus formation is minimized. But it may not end completely. For areas where oral care is inadequate, dental stones and plaques should be removed by the dentist.What is the Treatment of Gum Diseases?
Periodontal disease treatment is the removal of plaque and dental stones in the teeth and the smooth root surface. Early diagnosis of gingival diseases provides adequate root surface, plaque and dental calculus cleaning and regular oral care. When the disease progresses further, surgical treatments may be needed. Surgical treatments remove the dental stones in the periodontal pockets surrounding the teeth. A smooth root surface, pocket elimination and easy-to-clean gingival form are provided. After periodontal treatment, patients should be regularly examined by their doctor.Gum disease ends with Esthetic Hair Turkey. If you want to end your gum disease you can make an appointment at our center without wasting time.