All About Hair Structure

Hair is one of the most important features of the appearance. The structure and shape of the hair directly affect the appearance and hair structure may vary according to the individual.
Hair has a structure that contains many different features. Knowledge of the structure of the hair allows you to get to know the hair better and better understand its needs.
Hair structure varies according to factors such as sex, age, hormones, race. hair structure is also influenced by external factors such as nutrition, stress and living standards.
Hair Structure
Hair structure is very flexible. Thanks to its flexibility, it can easily take shape. The reason for this flexibility is keratin strands. Thanks to its keratin strands, the highly flexible hair can stretch even more when wet. The hairs found in other parts of the body cannot stretch as much as the hair.
Since the hair is small and porous, they can retain moisture. Humidity holding capacity varies from person to person. External factors also affect the moisture holding capacity of the hair. Hair fibers with low moisture retention level become weak and dry over time.
Electrification is one of the properties of hair structure.
Hair hair is distinguished from other hairs in the body by some features. Some of those;
- Hair has the most powerful and dense hair roots of the body.
- It grows faster than other hairs in the body.
Hair Structure: Hair Cycle
The hair structure is in a loop. Hair grows in this cycle, develops and shed. This cycle is repeated continuously.
The so-called Anagen Phase is the healthiest period of hair. In this period, hair strands are quite healthy and strong. After this period, the hair passes during the transition period. At this stage, the hair becomes weak and thin. He loses vitality. Gradually passes during the spill. In the period of shedding, hair fibers lose their vitality completely and are shed. After a while, the hair grows again and this cycle continues in the same way.
In an average adult, an average of 100 strands of hair are lost per day. There are some conditions that cause this cycle to accelerate and cause hair loss. Hair loss is increased in cases of malnutrition, diseases, genetics or stress. Hair analysis is performed to understand the causes of hair loss. With hair analysis, you can have information about the causes of shedding and the thickness, frequency and quality of the hair.
Hair Growth
Everyone has different hair growth rates. In addition, external factors can affect the growth rate of hair. Hair averages between 2 and 3 centimeters per month. Properly fed and cared hair grows faster, while the growth of neglected and malnourished hair is quite slow.
Melanin pigment gives hair color. The density of the disulfide bonds determines which hair will be straight or curly.
The androgen hormone causes thin hair to thicken, and causes thinning and even loss of hair.
What is Hair Transplant?
Hair loss is a condition that everyone experiences even once in their life. Temporary hair loss is treated when the cause of the loss of hair loss ends. The new hair is replaced by shedding hair. In case of permanent hair loss, new hair does not come out of the shed hair. In this case, the patient looks for ways to regain his old hair. Hair transplant gains importance at this point. Hair transplant is the ideal solution for restoring old looks to people who have permanent hair loss. With hair transplant, the patient can achieve even more dense hair than before.
Before Hair Transplant
Hair transplant is not done as soon as the patient arrives at the hospital. Prior to this, some tests are applied to the patient. The patient is asked to give a full history of health. If there are drugs used regularly, it is checked whether these drugs prevent hair transplant. Blood thinners before hair transplant and so on. The use of drugs should be discontinued. Smoking should also be interrupted if smoking. Because smoking increases the risk of complications during the operation and slows the recovery after hair transplant. If the patient is in hair transplant, the hair transplant planning is started. At this stage, the patient's anterior hairline design is made. How much hair follicle is needed is determined. The donor site is decided.
Hair Transplant Operation
Hair transplant is an operation in which different techniques can be performed. FUE technique is the most preferred hair transplant technique. Hair transplant has similar processes even if the techniques are different. Hair transplant first begins with the collection of hair follicles in the donor area. Small canals are opened to allow grafts to adhere to the balding areas. These canals are transplanted from the collected hair roots. Since the operation is performed under anesthesia, hair transplant is painless.
After Hair Transplant
After the operation, the transplanted area is left open and the donor area is bandaged. The patient does not need to be hospitalized after the procedure. He can go back to his daily life with a little care. Scaling, redness and itching may occur after hair transplant. Itch should not be scratched and the shells should not be touched. These problems are greatly reduced in the first wash after hair transplant. The first washing should be done by a team of experts at the hair transplant center. After the first wash, the patient can do the washing in their own house.
After 15 days of hair transplant, the shock shedding phase is started. At this stage, the transplanted hair roots begin to fall out. Patients who are not familiar with shock shedding may be concerned about this. But there is no need to worry. Shock shedding is a condition that is seen in almost everyone who has hair transplant. In the phase of shock shedding, new hair emerges over time. It takes about a year for the hair to last.
Esthetic Hair Turkey is exactly for you if you want to have a hair analysis done and to put an end to your hair loss. You can contact us to make an appointment.
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